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Also, visit the official Dark
Man web site for information on how to acquire some of the previous
Index to The Dark Man: The Journal
of Robert E. Howard Studies
The Dark Man #1
- Out of Print
Swords at the Academy Gates; Or, Robert E. Howard is There, Where are
the Critics by Don Herron
King Conan and the Aquilonian Dream by Steven R. Trout
Toward Other Lands: An Approach to Robert E. Howard by Rusty Burke
The Howard Complex by Dan Stumpf
Herbert Klatt by Glenn Lord
"The Frost Giant's Daughter"; An Early Draft by Robert E. Howard
Karl Edward Wagner, ed. Echoes of Valor II;
Robert E. Howard. Post Oaks and Sand Roughs;
Reviewed by Charles Hoffmann
Guidelines for Submissions; and
Acceptable Sources for Howard's "Conan" Material
The Dark
Man #2 - Out
of Print
The Horror Fiction of Robert E. Howard by Steven R. Trout
Solomon and Sorcery by Michael Kellar
The Old Deserted House: Images of the South in Howard's Fiction by
Rusty Burke
"Come Back to Valusia Ag'in, Kull Honey!": Robert E. Howard and Mainstream
American Literature by Marc A. Cerasini
On Howardian Fairyland by Don Herron
"Bill Smalley and the Power of the Human Eye" by Robert E. Howard
Cultural Trends in Literature by Thomas R. Reid
Barbarian Aftermath by Don Herron with A Voice from the Past
by Paul Spencer
The Expurgated Solomon Kane by Steven Trout (with Vernon M. Clark)
Robert E. Howard: Selected Letters 1931-1936; Reviewed by Richard
L. Tierney
The Robert E. Howard Home
The Dark Man #3
- Out of Print
From Cross Plains to the Stars: Robert E. Howard's Science Fiction
by Fred Blosser
Cosmic Filth: Howard's View of Evil by Charles Hoffman
"What the Nation Owes to the South" by Robert E. Howard
The Active Voice: Robert E. Howard's Personae by Rusty Burke
The Dark Man #4 -
Out of Print
The Birth of Conan by Patrice Louinet
The Origin of Cimmeria by Rusty Burke
The Star Rover and the People of the Night by Fred Blosser
Howard Publishing in Eastern Europe by Glenn Lord
Conan & Robert E. Howard on the Internet by Edward A. Waterman
Harold Preece by Rusty Burke
Karl Edward Wagner by Rusty Burke
The Whole Wide World by David C. Smith
The Robert E. Howard Library by Rusty Burke
Tough Guys and Dangerous Dames by Fred Blosser
Unaussprechlichen Kulten by Vernon M. Clark
The Dark Man #5
Editor's Welcome by Frank Coffman
When Kull Rode the Range by Fred Blosser
All fled, All done by Rusty Burke
'The Tower of the Elephant': A Modern Fable by Gary Romeo
Escape from Eden: Genesis Subverted in 'The Garden of Fear' by Charles
James Allison's Incarnations by Joe Marek
Soldiering for Fortune: Robert E. Howard's Kirby O'Donnell and 'The
Treasures of Tartary' by Gary Hoppenstand
Dating 'Wolfshead' by Edward A. Waterman
REVIEW of Ghor Kin-slayer by Fred Blosser
A Previously Unpublished Drawing by REH -- by
Glenn Lord
The Cairn -- Letters from Contributors
and Reviewers
Lock Box 313 -- Letters from Readers
The Dark Man #6
Notes on Two Versions of an Unpublished
Poem by Robert E. Howard by Frank Coffman
Spartacus to the Gladiators at Capua by Elijah Kellogg, Jr.
The Lives and Deaths of Three Writers: A Speculative Essay on London,
Howard, and Hemingway by Dr. Charles Gramlich
REVIEW of Kutouru Shinwa Jiten by Higashi, Masao
[Dictionary of the Cthulhu Mythos] by Dr. Mark Hall
A Short History of the Kull Series by Patrice
A Note from the Editor by Frank Coffman
The Last Celt REH Letter Citations by Edward A. Waterman, Rusty
Burke, & Patrice Louinet
There's a White Wolf on the Ottoman, Or, Another Revolt in the Desert
by Steven Tompkins
Letters Sectoins: The Cairn, Lock Box 313
The Dark Man #7
“The Robert E. Howard
Collections found in the University of California at Berkeley’s
Bancroft Library” by Edward Waterman. An extensive examination
of this library's holdings of original manuscripts and ephemera. Included
are reproductions of several postcards from Howard, a tentative collection
contents page and letters regarding an unrealized reprint edition.
“Bibliography of the Robert E. Howard
Collections held at the University of California at Berkeley, Bancroft
Library” by Glenn Lord. A supplement to the previous
essay, this thorough bibliography notes publication histories as well
as variations.
“The Past is Dead, The Past is Deadly:
Three Dragons in one Hour” by Steven Tompkins. An essay
regarding Howard's infamous Conan story "The Hour of the Dragon",
which was renamed as "Conan the Conqueror".
Fred Blosser’s critical review
of the Del Rey Conan collection (The Coming of Conan The Cimmerian).
The Dark Man #8
"Texas as Character in
Robert E. Howard's Fiction" by Mark Finn. The influence of the
state of Texas on Howard and his use of said state within his fiction.
"Robert E. Howard in the Gothic Tradition"
by Charles Gramlich. The influence of Gothic authors, particularly Edgar
Allan Poe, on Howard's fictional output.
"Two Views on The Barbaric Triumph"
by Fred Blosser and S.T. Joshi. Two critical reviews on the Don Herron
edited collection The Barbaric Triumph.
"Adventures--Imperial and Otherwise"
by Mark E. Hall. A focused study on Richard Phillips' Mapping Men and
Empire: A Geography of Adventure and the influence that Imperialism
had upon pulp authors, Howard in particular.
Power of the Writing Mind reviewed by Scotty
Graveyard Rats reviewed by Charles Hoffmann.
"Through a Prism, Darkly" by David
Robbins. Critical review of The Savage Tales of Soloman Kane.